Some Stuff & a Picnic Blanket {tutorial}
Hello rovers! I’m back for the 3rd time this week with a few randoms and a tutorial for a picnic blanket! The Rover was my faithful assistant throughout the project below and was told numerous times, “Do not step on Mommy’s blanket… please!” He looks so innocent doesn’t he?
Can I tell you how excited I am that Help Wad is coming up today and together we are road tripping it up to our old stomping grounds for the BIG Auburn/Georgia game this weekend… War Eagle! my Auburn friends! We are hoping to cheer the tigers on to another BIG win. We are also meeting up with a whole slew of our pledge sisters that we haven’t seen in almost 9 years a long time! I was going to print us some really cool shirts that said, “We’re older than we think we are!” but decided not to because who wants to give away the fact that we really are older than we think we are. We all graduated last semester, right girls?! We may be reminded of just how old we are when we see the young co-eds running around campus in their game-day dresses. Anyway, I cannot wait to see my sweet friends and catch up. I seriously could almost tear up because my time at Auburn was so wonderful and they are all so precious to me… I used to be a baby hoot and now I’m blogging about how to make picnic blankets… maybe I really am older than I think I am! At least I don’t own “mom jeans”… yet!
A few matters to discuss before jumping into the picnic blanket tutorial…
A couple of you asked about Paige’s fuzzy fleece pullover… we love it! It’s from Land’s End and you can find it here on BIG TIME SALE For $14.99 in this year’s colors.
Next I’ve updated the inventory in the shop. I always set aside a handful of tees in the event of exchanges or for locals and I’ve now added those to the online inventory. The new CHRISTMAS designs and more long sleeved options should be in no later than NEXT WEDNESDAY! Anything ordered today through the weekend will ship priority mail on Monday!
As I mentioned a couple days ago, I’m taking part in Edie’s 12 days of Handmade Tutorials TODAY… and posting my tutorial for a PICNIC BLANKET both here & THERE! She’s had 11 wonderful days of great handmade Christmas ideas, be sure to check them out! If you don’t read Edie’s blog, you should. She’s sweet, smart, humble, and such an encouragement to me. If I lived anywhere near her I’d love for her to mentor me, as we are theologically like-minded and I imagine we can throw down some coffee and crank out some crafts… all while her sweet girls watch my rovers! 🙂 Since I unfortunately live far from Edie, I’m thankful to have the opportunity to check in with her via her blog and glean what I can from her Life in Grace.
When Edie asked me to contribute I knew I wanted to make something using the vintage Marimekko curtain panels that I found at a thrift store over a year ago {for $4} I just wasn’t quite sure what I wanted to do with them. First I planned to make a “Santa Bag” out of them to put the kids Christmas presents in, but it saddened me to think about seeing the bright colored trains only once a year… so something more “useful” was definitely in order, and that is how I came up with this. It would make a perfect gift for your own family or for loved ones!
Here’s a little disclaimer before I begin. I had a friend here while I worked one day {and I just might have put her to work too, trimming selvages and fusing the fleece to the fabric} and she asked, “Darby, please tell me you are not going to tell your blog readers this is easy?” Well, because she’ll call me out if I tell y’all this is easy… I better say it’s an intermediate sewing project that might require a babysitter or helpful husband to watch the kids. There are really no difficult sewing techniques required, it is just a little involved time wise. That way no one cusses me when they think they can crank out a picnic blanket in 30 minutes! Ok, good.
The finished blanket is really BIG {88″ wide x 63″ tall} and perfect for picnics. It has a top layer {trains for me}, a layer of fusible fleece in the middle, and a sturdy layer of {fun & blue} ticking stripe on the bottom and is complete with coordinating ties so it’s easy to transport to and from your favorite picnic spot. You may choose what ever fabric you like but I do suggest something a little more stable {like a lightweight canvas, ticking stripe, or upholstery weight for the bottom}. Be sure to watch sales at your fabric stores because the ticking stripe was 1/2 off and I bought nearly 4 yards for just $16!
Before I start: PINS ladies PINS… they make your sewing neater and easier {especially with layers}… so please don’t omit them! 🙂
Here’s what you’ll need:
3.5 yards of 44″ wide fabric for the top of the blanket {I used trains}
3.5 yards of 44″ wide fabric for the bottom of the blanket {I used blue ticking stripe}
1/4 yard of 44″ wide fabric for coordinating ties {I used red gingham}
3.5 yards of 44″ wide fusible fleece
1: prewash and dry all fabric and trim off selvages
2: Measure down 63 inches on the top piece of fabric and cut all the way across the width. This will leave you with 2 pieces of fabric 63″ x 44″. Do the same with the bottom piece of fabric.
3: Take the two top pieces of fabric and place them on top of each other with right sides together {doing your best to match up any pattern that might be on your fabric, which also might require you to trim the tops and bottoms once you’re all lined up}. Using straight pins pin down one of the {63″} sides {right or left side it doesn’t matter, just don’t stitch along the top or bottom} and straight stitch. Press seam open.
4: Repeat step 3 for the bottom piece of fabric, doing your best to line up any pattern the fabric may have.
5: Now you should have two pieces of fabric that measure 63″ x 88″, one will be your top and one will be your bottom.
6: Following the instructions on the fusible fleece, iron the fusible fleece to the wrong side of the bottom fabric.
7: Lay the fused bottom fabric and top fabric right sides together– don’t pin and stitch yet… you need to make and insert your ties!
8: To make your ties: First, trim off the selvages on the end. Cut 2 pieces of fabric 4″ x 44″. Fold in half and press. Fold the top down towards your center crease about 3/4″ and press and then press the bottom up 3/4″ and then fold in half again and press. Tuck both ends under and pin all the way down the length of the tie and stitch completely around… both ends should be finished because you will fold your long ties in half when tucked into the blanket seam.
9: Place your ties {folded in half} between the layers of the blanket on the top right hand corner of your fabric measuring down 4.5″ and then place the second folded ties 10.5″ down from the top.
10: Pin the ties in place {they should be lying inside the blanket and the folded edges lined up with the outer edge of the blanket layers}.
11: Pin all the way around the entire blanket, leaving a 5 inch space {for an opening to pull the blanket through on one side} on one side.
12: Using a straight stitch and 1/2″ seam allowance {and a WALKING FOOT if you have one} stitch around the entire blanket {don’t forget to leave an opening to pull it through!!}
13: Trim off corners and cut seam allowances down to 1/4″, pull through opening in side. Now that you’re right side out press all the way around, pinning as you go.
14: Using about a 3/8″ seam allowance top stitch around the entire blanket.
15: Hand or machine stitch the opening where you pulled through because it will gape a little at the edge.
16: Now you will need to tack or tie your layers together. You cannot quilt it at this point so do not attempt to sew straight line stitches through the layers… even with a lot of pins and a walking foot… it is nearly impossible. You will want to place LOTS of safety pins {safety, not straight… they’ll poke you to death, I know because I tried} all over your blanket {being sure to pin all 3 layers together}.
17: Next, before tacking/tying the quilt together I stitched in the ditch down the center seam, this gives you good stability before you tack/tie the rest.
18: My machine has a little “eyelet” stitch that is perfect for tacking layers together. You can also tie your blanket layers together at this point if you do not wish to machine tack it together. I put an eyelet stitch in each wheel on the trains {and yes, it took a long time but I am very pleased with how it came out}. If you use a floral fabric or something with a pattern you might can outline random flowers with a straight stitch or use a stitch similar to the eyelet to tack the layers together. Once it’s all tacked together you are complete and ready for your picnic!